Keeping a Routine is Necessary!

I have to admit that I have been all over the place these past few months.  It seems as if each component of my life is running a its maximum pace.  In fact, I’ve been so distracted that I forgot to post to the blog on Monday. I can’t believe I forgot. Well, maybe I can. The reason I forgot is because I didn’t write it down in my planner. I didn’t use my planners at all yesterday and that’s a problem.

Every work day I follow the same routine. I sit at my desk and I pull out my planners. I have a work planner and a personal planner. My work planner is has various functions. The most important way I use it is to visualize my intention for the day. I place a different sticker on the day of the week that speaks to how I want to feel, how I want my day to go, or just an inspiring quote. I look at the sticker throughout the day as a reminder that my day has purpose.  Then I use my personal planner to write down the non-work related things I need to accomplish that day. I refer to it all day and I update it regularly.

I made a deliberate decision not to use my planners. That was a mistake.

I learned a valuable lesson that I would like to share with you. No matter how stressful or eventful your day may be, always stick to your routine. Realize that keeping a routine is also important to the people we are connected to.  People might be wondering why I didn’t post yesterday. Somebody might have depended on my post to encourage them yesterday. My post might be a part of someone else’s routine. Ironically because I was off, they could have also possibly had an off day. People depend upon you to complete certain task and/or to be a various places. A simple slip in your routine could possible cause you to forget your plans, and cause you to inadvertently disappoint people.

Lesson learned. I’m going to stick to my morning routine of planning for my day. I don’t know for sure if I’ll ever forget to post to the blog on a Monday. I do know that if I forget it won’t be because I didn’t write it down in my planner.

Let’s continue to make an effort to be as consistent as possible. And as always, let’s press on together!

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