If you’re like me, you’re grateful to have a job. Fortunately, I’m able to work with students. Working with students is a passion that pairs my gratefulness of having a job with fulfilling a purpose. Even still, there are times when I need a bit of motivation to make it through the work day. In these moments, a good laugh usually does the trick. The Bible is true, “A cheerful heart is good medicine” (Prov. 17: 22 NIV). Workplace humor is important.
I can’t imagine working in a place void of humor. But if you find yourself in such a place, please refer to the following articles. Patrick Booth lists 8 ways humor creates a better workplace. Forbes also agrees that humor can build a high-performance workplace. Humor could be a tool in your toolkit to fight depression. I’ve attached a few workplace memes that might make you smile. (Please note that these memes do not necessarily reflect my views or the views of I Press On… [insert smile]) Feel free to post your favorite workplace humor meme to the I Press On Facebook page. I want to encourage you to laugh more, especially at work. And as always, let’s press on together!