A recent argument with my ex-husband inspired today’s post. Isn’t that something? For about two minutes he and I argued over …None of your business But I will share how the argument ended. He said, “you chose this”. At which point I agreed and hung up the phone. He’s exactly right. I’m the one who filed for divorce. And with those words, my entire marriage passed through my mind. And I remembered why we aren’t married anymore. And I instinctively and immediately rationalized, “why am I arguing with a finished situation?” There is nothing he can say or do that should make me argue. Why? Because I don’t have to deal with him. And anything that we could argue about now is what we most likely argued about then. So, instead of arguing I just have to remind myself, “this is the reason we aren’t together”, and find peace in that decision.
Listen; arguing with people is a gateway that might lead to a depressive episode. In fact, depression and anger can go hand in hand. (see symptoms of anger and depression) This is why I really try hard not to allow my anger to turn into an argument. First, I use my voice too much for me to go hoarse from arguing loudly. And secondly, but most importantly, ain’t nobody got time for that.
I would like for you to ask yourself, “Do I participate in useless arguments?” When you’re driving, do you argue with other drivers who might cut in front of you? Have you ever argued with a co-worker or supervisor over a work situation? Have you ever argued with your child’s teacher over his behavior or a grade? A potential argument is always waiting to happen. But before you lose your temper, ask yourself, “is it worth it?” or “What else could I be doing?” or “Why am I giving this person power over my emotions?” In other words, pause and think before you speak.
You see; arguing doesn’t change your situation. Arguing doesn’t solve problems. It only exasperates a situation. Why argue with people you don’t have to spend time with. If the person isn’t that important to you, then the argument is probably equally unimportant.
Life is way too short to spend time arguing. Remember, ain’t nobody got time for that. Let’s try to always keep our cool and as always, let’s press on together!
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