This Thanksgiving…Turn Negative Complaints Into Positive Thanks!

Thanksgiving is a day of reflection. This year I’ve decided to think about the holiday a bit differently than previous Thanksgivings.  Instead of focusing on the positive things that I am thankful for, I’m going to reverse it.  I’m going to focus on the things that I almost always complain about and turn those negative complaints in to positive thanks.  In other words, this year I’m going to look at the glass as half full instead of considering it half empty. I am going to find the best in what I consider to be my top annoyances. Hopefully this change of perspective will help me to increase my mental wellness and to be even more grateful for the things I do love.

Here we go…and in no particular order:

1.  Negative Complaint: The countless amount of times my children say, cry or scream “mommy” every day…

Positive Thanks: I am thankful for the ability to hear.  I am also thankful that I have children, and that my children can communicate with me.

2.  Negative Complaint: The seemingly never ending massive amount of laundry I always have to do…

Positive Thanks: I am thankful that my family has the amount of choices (clothing, linen, towels, etc…) as we have.

3.  Negative Complaint:  The almost one hour commute I have to drive each way to work…

Positive Thanks: I am thankful that I have a job and a car/gas to drive to that job.

4.  Negative Complaint: The bills I have to pay…

Positive Thanks: I am thankful that I have a means to pay them.

5.  Negative Complaint: The aches and pains I feel in my body from time to time…

Positive Thanks:  I thank God that I have the activity of my limbs!

6.  Negative Complaint: The weight that I need to lose…

Positive Thanks: I am thankful to have food to eat.

7.  Negative Complaint: The seemingly long time it is taking for some of my dreams to manifest…

Positive Thanks: I am thankful that at least I know what my dreams are, and that I am in pursuit of them.

8.  Negative Complaint: Getting older…

Positive Thanks: I am thankful because it could be the other way…not aging.

9.  Negative Complaint: Never seeming to get my home completely organized…

Positive Thanks: I am thankful that I have a place to call home.

10.  Negative Complaint:  People judge me without knowing who I really am…

Positive Thanks: I am thankful for people who misjudge me because when I am around those people, I have the opportunity to display the love of God.

11.  Negative Complaint: Being single…

Positive Thanks: I am thankful to be single because….well…. I don’t have to worry so much about #2, #6 and #9…and plus I enjoy sleeping in my king sized bed alone.

12.  Negative Complaint: Repeating the same mistakes…

Positive Thanks: I am thankful that God always provides me another chance to get it right.

This is my list. I want to encourage you to make a list. Turn your negative complaints into positive thanks. You might even want to display your list somewhere visible as a reminder to not let negative thoughts crowd your thinking. Let’s do our best to be thankful for everything this Thanksgiving holiday. And as always, let’s press on together!


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