I love inspirational quotes. I have them posted all over my office (inside and outside), and all over my home. Here’s why. First, you gain inspiration from reading them. Secondly, others who read them can be inspired. And, most importantly, posting positive messages around you helps to make you accountable to manifest the message. For instance, I have a quote on my office wall that says, “Be kind, Work hard, Stay humble”. If I portray anything less, people are going to question, “why is this on her wall?” Posting inspirational quotes helps to remind you what you want to focus on, and it shows others what you value.
Here are a few quotes I found on pinterest. I’m actually going to use these as morning messages. I can use a bit of help getting my day started. I’m going to place a few of these quotes in my car and in my bathroom. I want to encourage you to surround yourself with positive words. Place them in your office, car, or around your home (especially places your frequent the most). It takes effort to help make sure you stay positive. Let’s keep finding ways to motivate and encourage ourselves, and as always, let’s press on together!