I would like to introduce the I Press On blog community to another non-profit organization, Beautiful Butterflies. The “sole purpose [of Beautiful Butterflies] is to provide support, services and education to those affected by lupus, primarily minorities.” This pass weekend Beautiful Butterflies celebrated “A Weekend Of Hope”. The organization sponsored a golf tournament, a luncheon, a pageant and debuted a new documentary series featuring individuals with invisible illnesses. But, the highlight of the weekend has to be the birthday of the organization’s founder.
On Sunday, September 17, Keva Brooks Napper celebrated a birthday. While we all should be grateful for every year we’re granted on earth, those who have come close to death have a different perspective of birthdays (as they should). To say that she’s been through a lot is an understatement. Her medical history is what inspired her to found Beautiful Butterflies. And her strength is why I want to dedicate this post to her.
Keva is more than a survivor. She is a thriver. She loves to say, “[She] has lupus, but lupus doesn’t have [her]”.
Today I celebrate the beginning of another year with my best friend. Happy birthday Keva!
Learn more about lupus and how you can support Beautiful Butterflies by visiting the organization’s website. And as always, let’s press on together!