Martin Luther King, Jr. Already Said What We Need To Hear

So…about Saturday.  Yes.  It really did happen.  The incident in Charlottesville, VA really did happen.  It really isn’t that surprising. Most people who know racist rhetoric could hear dangerous language in Trump’s speeches, and warned the country of the consequences of such language. But, I don’t want to focus on Trump, the Ku Klux Klan or the White National Rally held on Saturday.  Instead, I would rather talk about peace.

Say the word peace out loud. Just saying the word peace brings a smile to my face. What type of emotion do you feel when you speak the word? Maybe you feel calm, relaxed or happy. Maybe you feel hope.  But one thing is for sure. You can’t speak the word peace and still feel hate.

I actually don’t have the words to articulate any of this. But, I don’t have to.  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Nobel lecture says everything that needs to be said.  Please take the time to read his speech and let it speak peace to your heart.

Let’s celebrate peace and not hate.  And as always, let’s press on together.

The Quest For Peace And Justice

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