Let’s Partner Together In 2017!

2017 will be the first year that the IPO blog will post for twelve consecutive months, and I am so excited. This year I have decided to frame the posts around the theme of transformation. Since a blog is meant to be based upon a writer’s own experiences, I would like to chronicle my commitment to be better. Choosing to be better is a sure way to press through depression. I want to achieve success in every area of my life, spiritually, physically and emotionally, and I would like to ask for your help.

One great thing about this blog is that it allows time for self-reflection. As I prepare to write each post, I ask myself, “What am I going through right now? What have I experienced in the past? What part of my experiences should I share to help others understand depression, and to help others press through it?” I have to say, I’m never out of content. I find writing the blog healing. Not only am I able to write which is one of my passions, but I’m able to write about something I am passionate about. I want the IPO blog community to be able to experience the same.

I am sure that many of you have a great deal to share with others about your experiences with depression. However, you might not have the time, resources or desire to write a blog yourself. That’s okay. We can pull our resources and partner together so that your voice can be heard. This year I am calling upon the readers of this blog to contribute topic ideas as well as content. If you would like to participate, here are a few questions to consider. What do you think readers want to learn more about? How can this blog serve you and others to transform and press through depression? Do you have experiences you would like to share that might help others press on? Did any of the previous posts have a special impact, and how? I want to hear from you. Don’t be shy. Feel free to make as many suggestions as you would like. In addition to featuring the IPO blog community, I will also be looking to experts in the fields of health, religion and culture to contribute as well. We are expanding the conversation and starting a movement!

There are several ways to contact me to let me know you are interested in partnering with me. You may connect with me via Facebook, you may email me at info.ipresson@gmail.com, or you may call/text me at 336-686-5554. I can’t wait to hear from you. Let’s partner together to start a movement making depression a more acceptable disease in our community, and as always, let’s press on together!

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