If you read the I Press On blog regularly then you know two important things about me. First, I’m a huge Beyoncé fan. Secondly, I have what some would label ridiculously high standards for my next relationship. Why Beyoncé and why the high standards? They both bring me peace.
Listen…. when you’ve been through what I’ve been through, the opinions of others will never make me give up my “happy place”. I’m aware that there are people who question my position on both. (But this is not the post to discuss their qualms.) Instead, I would rather discuss my own recent doubt concerning my relationship status.
Well…I’m still single. (insert fake lol.) And not because I have to be. But, because I want what I want, and more than that, I believe I deserve what I want. At least I thought I knew. But recently I began to wonder, “maybe I should rethink my expectations?”
Right when I got ready to give up on love…here comes Jay and Bey to remind me that Everything Is Love! They fought through issues which could have ended their marriage. They persevered to reap the benefits of what to them would bring ultimate peace…family. Their recent album sparked a sense of hope within my heart that maybe I too would one day find a love worth fighting for. That was Saturday. Then came Sunday and Joel Osteen.
Every Sunday morning I listen to the Joel Osteen podcast. This week’s sermon did not disappoint. Pastor Osteen gave me the spiritual confirmation I need to hold on. His first few sentences took my breath away. I knew immediately that this message is preaching specifically to Sonya Melton. When I tell you Joel Osteen preached hope and strength into my spirit, I mean he did the work of the Lord to help me hold on to what I know will give me peace. If you are pursing a goal that seems too difficult to achieve, please listen to the attached message, “How Bad Do You Want It?” I promise, you will get the spiritual tools you need to keep going.
Your goal might not be easy to achieve. And in my case it may not seem as if it will ever happen. But I want to encourage you as I encourage myself. Never let go of your goals. Keep going no matter how difficult the task. And remember, we press on together!