The I Press On blog is celebrating 1 year. I can’t believe it’s been a year. Time has moved so quickly, and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.
The theme of the blog is to encourage mental strength. The type of posts on the I Press On blog vary from week to week. Sometimes our posts are editorial. Other times they might be inspirational, spiritual or even political. It really is our goal to try to have a little bit of something for everyone.
To commemorate our one year anniversary, I want to share a few of my favorite posts with you. It’s hard to choose a “favorite” but these are three of the posts I really enjoyed writing. Please feel to share your favorite blog post to our Facebook page, Thank you for your support, and as always let’s press on together!
Thank You Solange! Depression Is Going To Get A Seat At The Table!
The Road To Restoration: Forgetting The Past And Pressing Toward The Future