Relax, Relate, Release: How To Deal With Seasonal Affective Disorder

It’s almost time to turn the clocks back one hour.  This time of year is particularly interesting because it introduces a type of depression known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).  SAD is a different type of depression because it is seasonal and more common in the colder, darker seasons.  Many people don’t know that they suffer Read more about Relax, Relate, Release: How To Deal With Seasonal Affective Disorder[…]

Leap, Dive, Balance: Pictures that Inspire Courage

Life is something else; isn’t it?  Sometimes things can become so hectic that we don’t know whether we are coming or going.  In these moments, it is important to not become stagnate in the confusion.  When life gets hectic, or when we don’t know what we should do next, it is easy to just do Read more about Leap, Dive, Balance: Pictures that Inspire Courage[…]

Black Lives Matter because #BlacksLive

In memory of the 15 year anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, I wrote Finding Peace in the Pieces: Remembering 9/11.    In this blog, I attempt to reconcile the tragedy by sharing stories of hope and love that the tragedy inspired.  One such story appears the article Coming to Age in the Age of Terror, Read more about Black Lives Matter because #BlacksLive[…]

Let’s Celebrate #teacherbae!

The recent buzz over the internet famed “sexiest fourth grade teacher”, aka #teacherbae, Patrice “Tricey” Brown has stirred a myriad of conversations.  I find some of the conversations a bit disheartening. I am amazed at the amount of negative comments directed toward Ms. Brown.  I think to myself, “people can’t possibly know that they could Read more about Let’s Celebrate #teacherbae![…]

3 Things I Do to Make Every Work Day Feel Like Labor Day

The first Monday of every September marks the celebration of Labor Day. The history behind Labor Day really isn’t all that familiar to most people.  The one thing that everyone does know about Labor Day is that it is (for most) a day off of work.  Year to year we look forward to such holidays.  Read more about 3 Things I Do to Make Every Work Day Feel Like Labor Day[…]

Sit Down to Stand Up

I am unapologetically not a sports fan.  Even living in North Carolina amongst one of the fiercest collegiate rivalries in the country between Duke and the University of NC-Chapel Hill, I remain neutral and unengaged.  So, during an ordinary year, the NFL preseason would have gone by me unnoticed. However, this preseason something unexpected happened Read more about Sit Down to Stand Up[…]

Taking the Stress Out of Tidying

As a busy mom, I can relate to feeling as if there is not enough time in the day to get everything done, especially when it comes to housework.  On more than a few occasions I have separated clothes into piles on the floor to be washed. I might do one or two loads and Read more about Taking the Stress Out of Tidying[…]

From Climbing to Flying

  The Langston Hughes poem, Mother to Son perfectly depicts the African-American struggle to climb upward toward a better future. In the poem, Mother challenges Son, “Don’t you set down on the steps / ‘Cause you finds it’s kinder hard. / Don’t you fall now- / For I’se still goin’, honey, / I’se still climbin’, Read more about From Climbing to Flying[…]

3 Reasons Why African-American Women Who Suffer From Depression Need Particular Attention

I Press On is a movement that supports African-American women who face depression including postpartum depression.  When I began talking to people about my vision, a few people questioned the direction of I Press On.  I was often asked, “Why not focus on all women?”, or “Why marginalize it to only African-American women? Why not Read more about 3 Reasons Why African-American Women Who Suffer From Depression Need Particular Attention[…]