Can You “Feel” Like A Million Bucks?


When we hear people say, “You look like a million bucks”, it’s easy to grasp the analogy. We can identify how people can look expensive. Maybe they have on the perfectly pieced together ensemble, or their hair and make-up is flawless. But today I questioned, can you “feel” expensive? Is it possible to “feel” like a million bucks? Can we quantify the value of our feelings?

I actually think that it’s possible to feel like a million bucks. Why? Because if we can feel worthless, then we should be able to feel expensive. Sometimes, people who battle depression might feel a sense of worthlessness or feel as if their life has no value. If you ever happen to be overcome with such emotions, here are a few things you can do to increase your sense of value.

  1. Go on a virtual shopping spree.

Visit your favorite online shopping stores and “purchase” whatever it is you want. Just go crazy. Load up the checkout cart. You can shop for gifts for others, decorations for your home, or a new year-round wardrobe. Just have fun. And at the end of your shopping spree, clear out the cart. If you pretend you have a million bucks to spend, you just might begin to feel like a million bucks.

  1. Go house hunting or attend an open house.

Sometimes I ride around my hometown to look at houses for sale and dream about what it would be like to live in that house. It’s not about having the budget to pay for the house, it’s about how riding around that special dream neighborhood might make you feel.

  1. Go test drive your dream car or visit a luxury car lot.

What’s your favorite car? Do you even know? If you had a million dollars, what is the first car you would buy? Once you find that out, go walk around that car lot that sales that car. Even if you don’t do a test drive, you can still go and sit inside the vehicle.

  1. Walk around your favorite store.

There is something about the Fresh Market that always makes me feel like a million bucks. I don’t know what it is, but walking around the Fresh Market makes me happy. For some reason, the store “feels” expensive to me. I can literally walk around the store for an hour, not purchase anything and leave feeling like I have had the best time ever. What store gives you that feeling? Schedule a weekly trip and enjoy the feeling the store brings.

  1. Get dressed up for yourself to be by yourself.

Have you ever gotten dressed up for no reason at all? Whenever you want to feel like a million bucks, try putting on your best clothes and makeup just to spend time with yourself. After you get dressed up, go to a mirror and compliment yourself. I have friends who do this. I’ve known them to walk around the house wearing pearls and stilettos during a snow day off from work. These friends inspire me!

Feeling like a million bucks is possible. If ever you get to a place that you begin to feel worthless or hopeless try to immediately counteract that feeling. Get up and go and do something that requires you to feel valuable in order to accomplish it. It will be difficult for you to visit a car lot or go house hunting if you feel worthless. If you need to feel a spark of “value”, do something that requires you to “feel” or pretend that you actually have million bucks. Ultimately, we can feel as rich as we want. I heard someone say, “Fake it until you make it”.

You are worth a million bucks even when you don’t feel like it. Somebody needs you and all the things that you have to offer. Always remember that you add value to the lives of others. And as always, let’s press on together!



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