Can We Really Have A Day?

It’s Memorial Day! For those of us blessed enough to work for places that recognize federal holidays, it’s a day off from work. But is it really a day off? Do we really get a day off? A better question I’ve been asking myself, especially today, is should I have a day off from posting to the blog? You’re reading this… so you know the answer to that question is at least partially no. But the question gave me a new perspective to how I think about the I.P.O. Blog. What I learned is that I need to incorporate a schedule where I can allow myself time off from the blog.

At the end of the year, I will release an I.P.O. Blog schedule for the upcoming 2018 year. This is going to help me create a healthy balance between serving the I Press On community and myself. I don’t believe that I can officially take a day off from I Press On. But I believe I need to be an example to my readers. Setting a schedule for the blog is a good way for me to be an example. Setting bounderies including creating a schedule is a great way to help maintain good mental health.

So what am I advocating? I want to encourage you to schedule a mental health break from your purpose. I want to encourage you to find a healthy balance where you can serve your purpose and still find time for yourself. What’s your purpose? The things you are still obligated to do even when you have a day off from work.

Here’s the thing; I know my purpose. I’m a writer. I enjoy writing. I enjoy the entire writing process. I even enjoy teaching others how to become better writers. And, even still, writing to a weekly blog can be a bit much. The only reason I’m able to do it consistently is because I’m doing it because I’m supposed to, and not because I can.

Since I started the I.P.O. blog, a number of people have come to me for advice about how to start a blog of their own. I always let them know how difficult it is. And they each assure me, “oh I’m a good writer. I can handle”. Or, “I’ve got a lot to talk about”. Trust me, it’s not an easy task. Most of them have found out this truth. There are some things we do where skill and passion are enough. And then there are others that require the additional ingredient of purpose. The reason I update this blog every week is because I have a commitment to I Press On.

It surprises me how many people read the blog. I’m thankful and I’m grateful. I have faithful followers who expect me to post every Monday. I certainly don’t want to let my readers down. At the same time, I write an average of 1,000 words a week. That’s a good amount of writing which takes a significant amount of time. And yet, I do it with joy because the blog helps so many people, including myself.

II’m starting the new schedule next year. I think it makes more sense to start at the beginning of the year. But I want you to try to make immediate schedule changes where possible. Give yourself the freedom to have a day off from doing things you are committed to beyond your paid job. Don’t even think of it as a day off. That might seem to be a bit too detached. Just call it what it is… a mental health day.

It’s possible for us to have success in every area of our life as long as we remember our purpose doesn’t change just because we step away from it for a momenr. Let’s allow ourselves the freedom to rest. And as always, let’s press on together!

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