In keeping with our theme of transformation, it’s easy to discuss how much our country will change within the next few days. I like that Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday is being celebrated so closely to the inauguration of Prediednt-Elect Trump. It’s my hope that the message inspired by this particular King holiday will help to bridge a path of hopes and dreams to span the next four years. But in order to make this happen and move forward we have to regain focus.
There are a great many of us being distracted by the results of the previous election and what the new presidency will mean for the United States and the world. But I want to encourage those stuck in disbelief to shake yourself with the message of hope and change that permeated the cultural climate of 2008 and 2012. Stir it up within yourself and remember that hope and change is not dependent upon one president to release or another to denounce. You are hope and you are change and you dream a dream for America that only you can dream!
The most recent episode of the award winning ABC comedy Blackish deals with how the election results have distracted from what matters most. (Here’s a clip.) It portrays the current political, racial, gender and economic conversations in a brilliant way. I recommend you watch it with your entire family. Change the conversation in your house and hopefully the next generation will catch on to the old saying to “let the main thing be the main thing”.
I refuse to allow this upcoming four years to derail the progress I’ve made in protecting my mental health. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had to endure worse situations than having a president with a deplorable moral compass. These next four years let’s go high not low; and as always let’s press on together!