Recently, I learned about a new software application, notOK This app was created by teenage siblings, Hannah and Charlie Lucas It’s an amazing creation inspired to assist people with depression and/or anxiety (but others can also benefit from it). The application allows users to message people on a list the app calls “trusted contacts”. With one touch, at times of need, users can send a message to their contacts letting them know that they are “not okay”. This is such an impressive idea. Here’s why I highly recommend it.
- It identifies your support system, and puts them on alert.
Once you sign into the app, you are asked to create a contact list of people you trust. This is helpful for two reasons. First, it gives the app users a chance to think about who it is they trust most, and who it is they feel will be the most helpful. Some people might not have already identified their support system. And secondly, it allows the contacts to know that you trust them enough to help you through dark situations. After you enter in the contact information of your trusted contacts, the app sends them a message. Once your contact receives the message, they know to be prepared just in case of an emergency.
- It’s easy.
Probably the most important reason I like this app is because it is incredibly easy to use. Almost always a depressive episode is paralyzing which makes it difficult to move and even more difficult to get the momentum to contact someone. This app already has contacts and pre scripted messages. So, when some needs help, they don’t have to look up numbers, dial numbers, or ask Suri. More importantly, they don’t have to verbally explain or write a text message detailing what they are going through. As soon as the app opens, the user simply presses the big button featured in red for help. There’s also a button to press which alters your friends when you feel better. It’s so easy!
- It’s needed.
This app helps to educate the general population on just how serious clinical depression is. If you can’t comprehend the importance of this app, then you might not understand the gravity of depression. It is a serious disease. A person who is clinically depressed, can’t just “snap out of it”. It is a much more difficult process. People battling depression can find it difficult to reach out to people. And when someone is really having a dark moment, it is difficult to form words to speak. It’s just that serious. What I like about this app is that it highlights the fact that people who battle depression need quick and easy options to reach a support system.
I subscribed to the notOk app I’ve identified my support team, and they are aware they I might contact them if I need to. I would like to think that I’ve progressed beyond the need of such assistance. But, I like the idea of knowing that I can get help when I need it. I want to encourage you to take the time to review the app. Also, recommend it to people you know who might benefit from it. I would like to note that the app comes with a $2.99 monthly subscription which I think is a small price to pay for such an invaluable service.
Let’s be mindful that it’s okay to let others know that you are not okay. And as always, let’s press on together!