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About Me
Learn a little more about me and the reason behind why I started I Press On.
About Us
I Press On is a non-profit organization that educates the African American community about all aspects of depression with a specific interest in supporting and empowering African American women who suffer from depression including postpartum depression.
Our vision is that people learn to “press on” through depression.
African-American women are almost always expected to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. Sometimes this weight might seem impossible to bear. At the same time, it is in no way acceptable within the African-American community to show weakness to bearing this burden. Showing weakness means that “the system” won. Within the African-American community having a mental illness is equated to weakness. It is disheartening to admit, but depression is a mental illness that is frowned upon within the African-American community. I Press On serves to be a voice within the African-American community to acknowledge that it’s okay to be diagnosed with depression. I Press On represents that African-American women can “Press On” through depression!

Nataisha Pointzes, MS, BSW QP
Pride in North Carolina Inc.
525 North Elam Avenue, Suite 103 Greensboro, NC
336-285-7079 | Fax: 336:617-6397 | Mobile: 336-253-5816
Website: Pride in North Carolina
525 North Elam Avenue, Suite 103 Greensboro, NC
336-285-7079 | Fax: 336:617-6397 | Mobile: 336-253-5816
Website: Pride in North Carolina

The Social and Emotional
Learning Group
Psychotherapists to Meet All of Your Counseling Needs
3300 Battleground Avenue Suite 202 Greensboro, NC 27410
336-285-7173 | Fax: 336-285-7174
keith.funderburk@theselgroup.com Website:The S.E.L Group
3300 Battleground Avenue Suite 202 Greensboro, NC 27410
336-285-7173 | Fax: 336-285-7174
Email: keith.funderburk@theselgroup.com Website: The S.E.L Group